Pensacola, FL 32503
(850) 898-7529
Soft Wash Roof Cleaning IN PENSACOLA, FL
We use soft washing to safely clean black streaks and algae from residential and commercial roofs.
We all know the feeling of owning something brand new. Whatever it is a car or a new pair of shoes, a new roof feels nice and clean. On the other hand we all also understand that new things don't stay new forever. Roofs are exactly the same. The day the roof was finished it looked so pristine and clean. Years later the roof may start looking older and may even need cleaning. Many people are very aware of the black stains that often appear on roof tops. People who are suffering from black stains often ask what the black stains are and wonder if it is damaging their roof. This “roof mildew” is actually dead algae on the shingles. Black stains usually appear on the north side of roofs because it doesn’t get as much sun and thus remains more damp for a longer amount of time. In some cases, homeowners insurance may be canceled due to an excessive amount of mildew on a roof.
The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association recommends low-pressure detergent assisted washing as the preferred method for cleaning asphalt roofs in order to prevent damage to the shingles. Soft washing is using an electrical sprayer to apply a water-based, biodegradable disinfecting cleaning solution to kill the mold, mildew, bacteria, algae, fungus, moss and more on exterior home and building surfaces. Soft washing Equipment is distinctly different than power and pressure washing equipment. The electric diaphragm pump applies the cleaning solution at 30-60 PSI. The equipment used for soft washing may also have telescoping handles so that the cleaning solution can easily reach roof eaves, upper story windows, and other such areas, without this added pressure.