Pensacola, FL 32503
(850) 898-7529
We only offer safe exterior cleaning methods for pressure washing in Pensacola, FL

Read labels before applying and detergent or chemicals to your homes exterior. Test on an inconspicuous area first.
Detergents and accessory brushes increase cleaning effectiveness while reducing cleaning time. When renting or buying a pressure washer, inquire what accessories and detergents are available for it. To prevent damage to the internal parts, never run bleach in the machine or use detergents not designated for use in pressure washers.
For the best cleaning results, first, loosen the dirt with plain water under high pressure using a medium spray pattern. This also soaks the ground and plant near the area to be pressure washed to help keep down the chances of killing any of your plants or grass depending on your chemical or detergent of choice. Next, apply the detergent using a wide nozzle setting and let the detergent sit a few minutes to penetrate the dirt. Keep the surface wet to avoid possible discoloration or damage by the detergent. Finish by resetting the nozzle to a medium pattern (or changing the nozzle) and rinsing with plain water. Switch detergents by draining the first detergent from the pressure washer, rinsing the system with plain water and introducing the next detergent. Repeat and be sure to wash surface completely of all detergents.
For all your tougher jobs or you just dont have the time call a professional like myself. Thank you
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